“Thank you, Robert, for wise and gentle leadership. Yesterday was the culmination of this process of overcoming (years of) obstacles and persevering to create something beautiful and spiritual. You have guided us through this process with wisdom and serenity.

Rev. C. Earl Mahan and Lesley McIntyre

Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Town and Country

“It had long been a dream of mine to have a labyrinth on the grounds of our synagogue, but it only became a reality because Robert Fishbone stepped up to make it happen. Our synagogue now has a beautiful and sacred outdoor walking meditation path that adds so much heart and soul to our community."”

Randy Fleisher, Rabbi

Central Reform Congregation, St. Louis

“The primary purpose of this labyrinth is a gift to the campus community.  It was the right time, and the right response to the call we find ourselves in, in the modern day, a place of calm.  Robert was given to us as a gift, and he has been a gift to me and to this campus community…not only in this experience of building a labyrinth, but because it is a stable part of our campus now, this iconic campus, it’ll be a gift for generations to come.”

Michael Baber, Head of School, Villa Duschesne and Oak Hill School, Frontenac